Tatos Ta Mga Kagayanen
The word “Tatos” is the Kagayanen name for the “Robber Crab” which can be found in the Islands of Cagayancillo. The Cultural band, "Tatos Ta Mga Kagayanen", derived it’s name from the said crab because of the unique and exotic taste of the crab and also because of it’s unique strength. The crab portrays the unique language, culture and strength of the Kagayanen people, whose ethnocenter is the municipality of Cagayancillo in the province of Palawan, Philippines.
The members of the band were all born in Cagayancillo, Palawan. The members of this group have various occupations and their purpose for creating the group is to preserve and advocate their Kagayanen culture, heritage, environment and language. This group also promotes the use of the Kagayanen language and the Kagayanen Bible.
The Members:
Pastor Jehu P. Cayaon, Engr. Sergio S. Tapalla, Vice Mayor Jotham S. Tapalla, Jun S. Tapalla,
Jerry S. Carceler, Dodoy Trinidad, Pops Espinosa, Pepsi Espinosa
List Of Tagalog Songs: